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Doggyman Hayashi Co. Ltd., a major pet food manufacturer from Osaka, Japan, has developed a new, semi-wet, soybean-based dog food for its local and Chinese markets.
It was 10 years ago when Doggyman first marketed a soy-based dog food in China. With the new variety, the company is confident it can be China’s staple dog food designed to improve a dog’s body functions and prevent health problems.
Soy is considered a good and affordable source of protein for pet food, but some have argued that it is also linked to certain health issues in dogs and cats, particularly problems with bladder stones, blood sugar and the animal’s thyroid.
Doggyman is using soaked or wet Fuki, a high-sucrose type of vegetable soybean, in its new product to better meet the dietary requirements of China’s pet dogs, many of which are small breeds just like in Japan.
With about 24% moisture in every semi-wet grain, the new product is softer so small dogs with small mouths or weak bites can eat and digest their food easily and safely, said Doggyman in a statement. The water content also helps address obesity in dogs by making them feel sated after eating just the right amount.
The new product features small pellets — about 1 cm in diameter suitable for most dogs, and about 0.6 cm in diameter for the ultra-small grain designed for puppies and toy dogs. Each pellet looks like a honeycomb inside to hold the moisture in and make it more elastic.
Available in different formulas for puppies, adult dogs, senior dogs and toy dogs, the new Doggyman soaked rich soy product is made with fresh chicken and beef, spinach, carrots and cheese. It also now has lignocellulose to solve the problem of soft stools among dogs in moist diets, according to the company.
The product has officially entered major sales channels in Japan and China.
Sales volume for the new dog food exceeded 10,000 bales in the first month of its release which, Doggyman said, proves that pet owners in both countries are always willing to upgrade to better food products for their dogs.
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